Monday, October 26, 2009

Some Graphic Design Stuff

In addition to taking Illustration classes, I'm also required to take a couple of graphic design classes. Here is some work from those classes! Let it be known that I don't consider myself a graphic designer by any means!

In one class we had an in-class assignment to design a gift card for Target. All I could see in that Target logo was an eyeball so I decided to make a little face. It's pretty simple but I think it's cute.

Okay, haha. I think this needs some explaining. The assignment was to redesign a book cover and I found this book at the library called Japanamerica, which was all about Japanese influence in the U.S. If you're familiar with Japanese animation, panty shots are fairly common... and that turned into this. Hahaha. Don't mind the weird colors on the edges. I was trying uploading the jpeg file but it wasn't working for some reason so I had to crop this off of my desktop.

This is a three-piece ad campaign for Roots and Shoots. Click them to full-view! Had the same problem with these as I did with the book cover... when I uploaded them the color got all weird. So don't mind the stray black lines. Anywho, I think my layouts have gotten much better since the book cover. I used a lot of gridlines to try and keep everything fairly consistent. I think they came out pretty well. :)

That's all for now, I'll post some Illustration stuff next time!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sophomore Year GO!

Oh gosh, I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated this blog in a few months. Summer went by in a flash and now I'm a sophomore! Oh, boy. There's only been like thing that I've done so far this year for school that I feel is worth uploading, but my teacher has it right now, so I can't do anything about that!

One thing I have been doing is writing letters to a few friends from across the country, and I feel obligated to doodle something for them in every letter, so I've been drawing a lot of chibis. I try to draw something "SRS" but my brain usually only lets me draw something simple and cute. Ah, well. Onto the doodles! This was drawn back before Otakon for Lyse and Jen, two cosplay friends who attended Otakon. I'm on the right fangirling over them (Why yes, I am a little boy). But no really, friends dressed up as characters they cosplay, from L-R: Lyse as Ema Skye, Jen as Mia Fey, and me as Cody Hackins, all from the Ace Attorney series.

Drew this at the beginning of the school year. The girl is Akaru, who used to be a personification of myself, but she turned into her own character. The worm is the Nameless Emo Worm. I drew quite a few comics about him and his friends but that's a whole other entry.
This is Luka from VOCALOID in one of her outfits from her "Just Be Friends" video. Go look it up on youtube. Now! Plz ignore the bad anatomy /facepalmAhaha I drew this for my friend's birthday. It's Ron DeLite from Ace Attorney in a bunny outfit. PLZ DON'T ASK. (Although it's relevant to another piece lolol)Both of these doodles are from a letter I wrote to Ashley. The first one is Miku from VOCALOID in one of her Project Diva (PSP game) outfits, and the second one is Switzerland and Liechtenstein from Hetalia.
This was a birthday present for Lyse that I drew a week ago~ It's Heather from Silent Hill 3 in her Princess Heart outfit, in a pin-up girl pose. It's silly, but I actually LIKE IT so, uhm, yeah. :D

That's all for now, I'll try to update for frequently! Thanks for putting up with me!