Tuesday, August 24, 2010

-Austria, Moldova, & Romania blog-

NOTE: This is a homework assignment in which I detail three days I spent on a European trip in Austria, Moldova, and Romania. It is being posted here because it is convenient. There's no real art, except for some photographs I took. I will update this blog with art again soon! Thanks for understanding.

Day 2: June 2, 2010
Vienna, Austria

I got a new pen from my dad. It was given to him by one of the captains of our flight for filling out a survey about our flight. It's quite nice, actually. I think I will hold on to it and use it to write future entries!

Anywho. I've been traveling for 14 hours, and am completely exhausted. I only managed to sleep for a couple of hours on the flight because my seat on the plane would not recline. It was horrible. I sat in this strange sideways position with my legs across my dad's lap and into the plane's aisle. It hurt after awhile, but I somehow managed to sleep for a bit.

It's 10 AM back at home, but 4 PM here... ugh. I haven't eaten much at all and what I've eaten has just been plane food and snacks. The layover between our flight into London and our flight out to Austria, was much too short. We were worried that we were going to miss the flight! It was stressful. I don't want to see an airport for awhile...

I'm in my hotel room in Vienna now, and this bed feels SO GOOD compared to that damn plane seat. I met my roommate Rebecca, and she seems nice, so that's good. We're going to visit Hundertwasserhaus and then eat some REAL food.

I met up with the rest of the students down in the hotel lobby and we proceeded to Hundertwasserhaus. It was really neat. Hundertwasserhaus is much cooler in person. Pictures of it don't really do it complete justice. It's such an interesting building. I love all the asymmetrical lines and colors. The sidewalk was also uneven so the trees in the building and around it had adequate room to grow. All of this was done to make the building mimic the surrounding environment. For example, if you look in nature, there are no straight lines, just like the shape and lines on Hundertwasserhaus. Even though the weather was crappy (It was cold and misting rain), I'm so glad I was able to see it! There was also a little tourist place next to Hundertwasserhaus with all sorts of touristy stuff. Lots of products with pictures of Klimt's "The Kiss." I hope I'm able to see the painting in person while I'm here!

Here are a few pictures of Hundertwasserhaus that I took:

There was also a neat fountain outside the building:
After Hundertwasserhaus we went to an Austrian coffee house and had REAL FOOD! I HAD to order wienerschnitzel, since it's a traditional Austrian dish. It was soooo tasty! I was given two HUGE pieces and I ate both of them! I was starving! We were also given a cold salad which had a lot of pickled stuff in it. I didn't think I would like it, but I did! It tasted crisp and fresh. There was this strange vegetable in it that neither dad or I could identify. It was like a potato in texture and appearance, but it didn't taste like one. What was that mysterious vegetable?!

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Day 8: June 8, 2010
Vienna, Austria

Today we visited a waste water treatment plant. It was kinda gross, but it was still cool. The first few stages of the waste...water was pretty nasty and I had to breathe through my mouth because the stench was so overwhelming. It was neat to see how the nasty brown water got cleaner and cleaner as it passed through every cleaning stage. At the final reservoir before the water was released into the Delta, the water was crystal-clear! I think I've drank water more disgusting than that at my first dorm! It was really quite amazing. Austria is really proud of its environment and is going to such great lengths to keep the Danube clean though the water treatment process!

Here are some pictures from the waste water treatment plant:
Here are some of the different tanks the waste water went through
the final reservoir for the cleaned waterThe final product

After the waste water treatment plant, we took the train to a place in the city that had a few restaurants around for lunch. I had my 4th gelato/Eis: Chocolate and another flavor that tasted like cookies and cream. It was really tasty, as usual!

My dad's back was bothering him, so I stayed with him instead of going to the Bioethenal plant. We each wanted to find a small bag to carry things in because the bag I had been carrying around was large and got too heavy, hurting my shoulders and putting pressure on my injured knee. Dad and I headed to Stephensplatz, where I was able to see Stephenskirche, which was very beautiful. We also investigated the store I have been seeing all over Austria: BIPA. Turns out BIPA is a small supermarket that sells mostly woman's products such as perfume and make-up. There was some red hair dye there that I was tempted to buy, but I figured dyeing my hair red in the hotel would be a bad idea. We ended up buying some bandages for the back of our feet since we were getting blisters from our shoes.

I found a nice, smaller bag at H&M along with a couple of shirts, and my dad found a bag in a store in the subway station. Mission accomplished!

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Day 10: June 10, 2010
Vienna, Austria

I was pretty sick the entire day today. I got progressively worse as the day went on, from sneezes and a runny nose, to complete loss of taste and sinus pain. Something's up with this the air in this hotel. Dad thinks their might be mold in the air ducts which is causing people to get really bad allergies. I was still able to enjoy the day, however!

Anyway, today we went to a Bio Diesel plant, and once again, it really wasn't that exciting. Just some big storage containers with grape seed oil and other natural oils. The tour really didn't last that long, though, so we boarded the bus with an Agricultural Professor and he talked about some of the surrounded landscape as the bus drove on; sort of like a tour guide.

The bus stopped for lunch at this little house on the outskirts of one of Austria's protected forest areas. I ordered pork wurst, and what I got looked like a few pieces of pork tenderloin rather than a sausage (which was what I was expecting). The tenderloins were really fatty, and I had to pick out the pieces of meat from in between the fatty parts. It was alright; I'm not a huge fan of fat in meat, though!

My dad and the professor ordered sweets and my jaw dropped when I realized my dad had KAISERSCHMARRN. I've had Kaiserschmarrn before in my middle school German class, and I LOVE IT. It's like a sweet pancake with powdered sugar on top. So I went over to my dad's table and ate like half of my dad's kaiserschmarrn. It was so good. The professor was eating some sort of dumpling which he let me try, and that was delicious as well.
Kaiserschmarrn. Picture from http://commons.wikimedia.org/

After lunch, we walked to the outskirts of the forest, and the professor talked about Vienna's ecology. We walked down a slope and saw part of the Danube (The new one, I believe) which was cool. After that, we drove the bus to a barley field and the professor talked some more about sustainability and the like.

We had a group dinner at a restaurant on a mountaintop that overlooked all of Vienna. At this time, however, I was feeling pretty bad, so I couldn't appreciate it as much as I wanted to. I only ordered a frankfurter for dinner since I wasn't very hungry, and I guess that was a good thing since I couldn't taste it anyway (Also, the general consensus was that the food at the restaurant wasn't very good, so I'm glad I only ordered something simple!).
picture of Vienna from the mountaintop

After we ate, we took a crazy bus ride down the mountain and returned to the hotel. Dad gave me some medicine for my allergies and I started packing all my stuff up for the plane to Moldova the next day!

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Sport Advertisement Series

Hello! I apologize again for my lack of updating, I've been sick and all that jazz so I haven't done much. I actually started these pieces months ago but just recently got to finishing them. They're for my Ad Design class and the assignment was to create a three piece ad series about a sport product/service. I decided to do women's tenniswear because I used to play tennis when I was younger and I loved it~ I found some very cute tennis outfits designed by Stella McCartney (Who my mother told me is Paul McCartney's daughter), and decided to do my ads about these outfits. I made the pieces look like they were in some sort of scrapbook or something... very girly and cute. I really like how these came out :)
We also had to create an extension, so I decided to do a web banner. I did it in the same style as the ads.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Model Photography

This Halloween weekend, I went to a fashion show that takes place downtown every year. It was a lot of fun and I took a lot of pictures. I was standing behind 3 or 4 rows of people, but was somewhat close to the runway, so I was pretty excited when I got photos like this:

I've been noticing an increased intrest in photography with me. Photography of models/people to be specific. This is probably attributed to my love of sewing and fashion (I love a lot of things, don't I?). I think this started back in June when my friend and I went to a convention and we decided to take pictures of each other's costumes since we never really get good pictures of our costumes. As I was taking pictures of my friend, I realized I was starting to give directions to her when she seemed stumped how to pose and moving her around to different locations.

I know there are people hired by conventions (photogs) to take pictures of cosplayers so they have a picture of their cosplay, and there are also photographers payed by cosplayers to take pictures of them. My favorite convention photographer would have to be Elemental. Her photos have a very distinct style to them and are just cool. I'll actually get to meet Elemental at Ohayocon in January, as she is slated to take pictures of a Final Fantasy IX cosplay group I am a part of. She's also friends with some other of my cosplay friends so hopefully I'll get a chance to talk to her a bit!

Anyway, for right now, I'll be content taking pictures of friends in cosplay. I'd like an SLR camera in the future, but we'll see where this goes.

Have more photos from the show! (I know the composition isn't the best in these, but remember, I was about 15 ft away from the runway!)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Some Graphic Design Stuff

In addition to taking Illustration classes, I'm also required to take a couple of graphic design classes. Here is some work from those classes! Let it be known that I don't consider myself a graphic designer by any means!

In one class we had an in-class assignment to design a gift card for Target. All I could see in that Target logo was an eyeball so I decided to make a little face. It's pretty simple but I think it's cute.

Okay, haha. I think this needs some explaining. The assignment was to redesign a book cover and I found this book at the library called Japanamerica, which was all about Japanese influence in the U.S. If you're familiar with Japanese animation, panty shots are fairly common... and that turned into this. Hahaha. Don't mind the weird colors on the edges. I was trying uploading the jpeg file but it wasn't working for some reason so I had to crop this off of my desktop.

This is a three-piece ad campaign for Roots and Shoots. Click them to full-view! Had the same problem with these as I did with the book cover... when I uploaded them the color got all weird. So don't mind the stray black lines. Anywho, I think my layouts have gotten much better since the book cover. I used a lot of gridlines to try and keep everything fairly consistent. I think they came out pretty well. :)

That's all for now, I'll post some Illustration stuff next time!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sophomore Year GO!

Oh gosh, I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated this blog in a few months. Summer went by in a flash and now I'm a sophomore! Oh, boy. There's only been like thing that I've done so far this year for school that I feel is worth uploading, but my teacher has it right now, so I can't do anything about that!

One thing I have been doing is writing letters to a few friends from across the country, and I feel obligated to doodle something for them in every letter, so I've been drawing a lot of chibis. I try to draw something "SRS" but my brain usually only lets me draw something simple and cute. Ah, well. Onto the doodles! This was drawn back before Otakon for Lyse and Jen, two cosplay friends who attended Otakon. I'm on the right fangirling over them (Why yes, I am a little boy). But no really, friends dressed up as characters they cosplay, from L-R: Lyse as Ema Skye, Jen as Mia Fey, and me as Cody Hackins, all from the Ace Attorney series.

Drew this at the beginning of the school year. The girl is Akaru, who used to be a personification of myself, but she turned into her own character. The worm is the Nameless Emo Worm. I drew quite a few comics about him and his friends but that's a whole other entry.
This is Luka from VOCALOID in one of her outfits from her "Just Be Friends" video. Go look it up on youtube. Now! Plz ignore the bad anatomy /facepalmAhaha I drew this for my friend's birthday. It's Ron DeLite from Ace Attorney in a bunny outfit. PLZ DON'T ASK. (Although it's relevant to another piece lolol)Both of these doodles are from a letter I wrote to Ashley. The first one is Miku from VOCALOID in one of her Project Diva (PSP game) outfits, and the second one is Switzerland and Liechtenstein from Hetalia.
This was a birthday present for Lyse that I drew a week ago~ It's Heather from Silent Hill 3 in her Princess Heart outfit, in a pin-up girl pose. It's silly, but I actually LIKE IT so, uhm, yeah. :D

That's all for now, I'll try to update for frequently! Thanks for putting up with me!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Last of the Freshman year doodles

Oh wow, I haven't updated in awhile! I apologize for that! School's been out for awhile, and I think I've been too focused on catching up on sleep and relaxing than scanning in new doodles. I'll scan some new stuff that I've done since school's been out soon, but for now, here are some doodles that I did at the end of the school year that I didn't post. Enjoy!
This last picture was actually going to be turned in for a structural drawing assignment, but I realized it would be waaay too hard to draw reflections of all these characters so I did something else, haha. They're all characters from the Ace Attorney series, since I am addicted to those games.That's all for now! I'll try to update with some new stuff soon!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Turtle Series - Pokemon Comic

Hello! This is my first post after finishing my first year! Hurrah! I have quite a few things to upload, but I need to scan them first, haha. This was already on my computer so I decided to share. :) For our final project in 2-D we had to create a 4-piece series based on an animal. I chose a red-eared slider (turtle) because I had a couple as pets and turtles are my favorite animal. :D One of the steps was a conceptual step, so I decided to use turtle Pokemon! I was going to have a single colored picture of myself as a pokemon trainer with turtle pokemon, but my teacher didn't know what pokemon was (WHAT) so I decided to make a comic to explain what it was. The comic ended up not reallly being about turtles so I turned in a 5th turtle piece, which I will upload later.

Anywho, about this comic. It's about me as a pokemon trainer getting my first pokemon, haha. I actually had to do some research on Pokemon to help me with this comic! It turns out that you actually become a pokemon trainer on your 10th birthday, but I decided to keep my short red hair instead of drawing myself as a ten year old because I had long brown hair when I was 10 and that's not as exciting as red hair. I also tried to draw in the anime style which pokemon is drawn in, which was a lot of fun. :D

Okay, I've talked too much, here is the comic!
I don't know why the 3rd page is like that. D: Sorry, just click it to enlarge it!
That's it! I know the pacing is pretty bad, but eh. I'm not very good at comics! Even though it doesn't look it, this TOOK ME FOREVER. Also while drawing professor Oak, I realized he looked like Phoenix Wright in my drawings. Haha!